Welcome to the New IFCS Web Site
IFCS has been updating its web site and are please to have you join us at our new web address at ifcsdogsports.org. We have also been updating and developing social media pages on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ifcsdogsports and on YouTube. Our new YouTube channel shows videos from past IFCS events.
A link to the IFCS World Agility Championship web site is included on the home page, or you may go there directly at www.worldagilitychampionship.com.
Please note that the web site at dogsport.ru is being discontinued. All future IFCS news will be posted here on ifcsdogsports.org. To follow event specific posts, go to worldagilitychampionship.com and subscribe to our event updates. Also watch for future announcements and posts on Facebook and YouTube.
If you have any questions or difficulties with the web site, please contact us at [email protected].