Council Approves New Height Divisions

IFCS Council has approved on a trial basis for WAC 2024 the following propositions received from teams representing the majority of membership and competing in WAC 2023:

Jump Height divisions

Apply a new schedule of jump heights to encourage and evaluate participation of smaller dogs as follows (change from current regulations shown in italics):
• Dogs measuring 300mm or less shall jump no less than 250mm
• Dogs measuring 350mm or less but more than 300mm shall jump no less than 300mm
• Dog measuring 420mm or less but more than 350mm shall jump no less than 400mm
• Dogs measuring 500mm or less but more than 420mm shall jump no less than 500mm
• Dogs measuring more than 500mm shall jump no less than 600mm

Additionally, the proposed regulation for 2024 to limit a competitor to two dogs of any height has been withdrawn. A competitor may compete with two or more dogs provided each dog is in different height divisions (and on different teams). This rule remains unchanged from prior years.

Council is seeking feedback from membership on a possible scoring rule changes related to contact obstacles. Further announcement will be forthcoming prior to the end of 2023.

WAC 2024 will be held in Bourgbarré, Brittany, France from 29th April to 5th May 2024.

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